Return of The Ruck – from Steve
Return of The Ruck – from Steve

Return of The Ruck – from Steve

PAX:Akbar, JV, The Hammer, Russo, Steve, Waterpik, Zoolander

I feel like that may have been a BB title a few months back? The Rucking Crew, Ruck Off, Ruck in the Middle With You…. I don’t know, the puns are endless but my little mind seems to go to the same old, tired ones. Regardless – the ruckers have returned! At least, for one scramble outing. With JV off to Warsaw and Nuremberg and other WWII-affiliated cities, it could all fall apart next week. But his and Akbar’s return this week couldn’t have been better timing for the tireless Russo, who suffered some sort of heat exhaustion last Saturday and was fully prepared to ruck alone if necessary. This heat is no joke.

And this Thursday morning was no different – the same brutal conditions we’ve been dealing with for months now. Pelican, who hibernates in the summer, may well stay hidden until 2024 the way this summer has been going.

YHC can no longer say we took the “usual route” since there is no usual route these days. Shooter likes takes us on a walkabout through the jungles of Greenleaves and the wilderness of Mariner’s Blvd., seeking out uncharted territory (or trying to lose us), while Pik prefers the lakefront loop and back, and Bushwacker, well, YHC didn’t experience it, but Bushwacker prefers something called “Follow the Leader,” which involves parkour and stunts that might be found on MTV’s Jackass. Hey, to each his own. YHC prefers the Pik route, so we did that – the runners hit Coffee and looped back, while the ruckers did a 17 minute out and back.

All survived. Few complaints. And that’s because these men know what it’s like out there in the “real world.” Well… let’s say that with most of these men being in their mid-40’s, they’re at least beginning to get a vague idea of this real world. If you think you’ve experienced it, just ask Hammer’s dad. You’re probably close, but not quite there yet.

Thank you men for the camaraderie and the accountability, appreciate you all.