City hall Scramble
City hall Scramble

Substitute Thursday!

With a call coming in @ 0500 from Jose 10k it could only mean one thing. Can you cover the Q? Well sure, however I must T-👏🏼 both him and Speedy for both still posting even though they knew the arrival would be 10-15 mins behind. So with nothing planned …

Who Farted? We all did

It was another hot and muggy one this gloom, but a good turnout with 10 guys ready to sweat it out – including a surprise appearance from Garfield. YHC liked Shooters idea to mix in intervals, and having learned that containing the PAX was not ideal  – went with the …

“Oh Wacker Sir Wacker where art thy Wacker!”

Well, 6 PAX circled in anticipation of the Wacker’s arrival. As the clock ⏰ struck 0515 site Q present took charge of the helm. Brief warmup all IC 15 Toe touches, Grass grabber, Windmills, Scorpion kicks, reverse dying cockroach (actually Superman or something of similar comparison), Torso twist, Cherry pickers …

1 Mile Time Trial

Writing this in a hurry, so i’ll keep it short and sweet. 9 pax gathered this beautiful gloom for the first 1 mile time trail. YHC has had this on his mind for a long time to set a baseline for himself as well as the rest of the pax. …

Shifting Scramble!!

With beatdowns returning to normal operation, Q decided to incorporate a different route picked up from the underground post of weeks past. Generally PAX would run the loop and back out down to the point, but this Gloom instruction was given to head up Monroe to West Beach then take …

Mosey You Shall

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. It is a period of civil war. A young rebel PAX, striking from the hidden base of Wacker Fortress, stepped forth to claim his 1st victory against the evil empty Q sheet. During the battle, rebel spies witnessed IC x15: …

Chatter in the rain…

Brief warmup 10IC Windmills, Toe Touches, Good mornings OYO 10 squats.. Time to start running with hopes of missing the rain.. Well we were good till about 20 mins in before our first monsoon of sorts. We turned up a side street to get some cover, however once we made …