City Park
City Park

Deja Vu All Over Again

Didn’t we just do this yesterday?  Damp, muggy morning in City Park?  Rudy Q?  Yes, this all seemed remarkably familiar.  Headlights rolling out of the fog, lining up in front of the SF (yes a real one).  This time, Da Parish was here on time. Disclaimer, then off to the …

2016: Good Riddance

Weather: Light sprinkles greeted the PAX in the early City Park gloom; an omen of the storms awaiting us for the rest of the day, perhaps – but nothing that keeps the loyal PAX from their morning workout.  Cars rolling in hot turns a PAX of 5 at 5:27 to a PAX …

Mission Ispossible

Five men gathered around the VSF this gloom.  The goal for this beatdown was to break up the Pax into smaller groups, then send them out on missions to complete.  Since we had 5, we stayed together as one group for our missions. DISCLAIMER The Thang Mosey over to the …

Rock Out With Your Block Out

Despite being the middle of December, the PAX was met with a summer-like temperature and long sleeves were nowhere to be found.  Many Saturday regulars trickled in along with a few new faces including Einstein from the Northshore and two FNGs courtesy of Triple Shift.  The PAX started with a …

Timer Hate

Seven men gathered around the VSF, cuz Shorty didn’t show…again. DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey. Welcome Mr. Awesome, glad you could join us. In a field on the way to the Baby Foundry we circled up for a Warmup COP…: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -PP x 20 …

610 Stomp #69

Yeah, yeah… YHC finally posted in the gloom… Rudy, Amnesty and Tool led the talking like this: Not saying it wasn’t deserved.. this is the beauty of the 2nd F.   Let’s get to it, but first: DISCLAIMER The Thang We went the Bayou St. John route and turned around after …

Stomp #67 – Change Up

A modest PAX of 4 posted on Tuesday for the usual run/cardio fix.  An iffy forecast may have scared some of the fair weather fans away but we were greeted with dry conditions.  No one signed up for this week so YHC, being the site Q, decided to try a …

Conquer the Burpees!

13 Pax posted for the first cold morning workout in New Orleans.  Perfect temperature. I hate burpees and need to conquer them so I worked them into workout in small doses in order to accomplish a large goal. First -we started at the flag with .. 10 burpees We headed …

610 Stomp #65

3 610 Stomp diehards gathered around the flag in the gloom on a brisk morning, ready to get warmed up.  YHC gave the disclaimer at 0530 on the nose, and the PAX was off.  This on time launch left one PAX in total disarray, but as a strong member of …