The MARSOC Mosey – from Akbar
The MARSOC Mosey – from Akbar

The MARSOC Mosey – from Akbar

PAX:Milestone Marsh, f3 Northshore

Another crisp morning at 61 degrees and the fabulous four got to work with a Waterpik style high rep workout. Monday mumblechatter was high, discussing football, weekend activities, and fond remembrances of our strange encounter with Eduardo – the Spanish fellow that jumped into our workout one morning.

Warmup started to work out the kinks in our shoulders from Bird’s crawling wheelbarrow massacre at the Lakefront.

Self Love. Arm Circles, Stretches, SSH, Imperial Walkers, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Windmills, and some other things.

THANG – MARSOC Short Card with a Mosey. Marine Corps Special Operations Command

We started on the court and went around the block a couple of times, stopping at intersections for 30 reps of 3 exercises followed by 10 Burpees and 10 Windmills
Merkins, Squats, LBC’s. Wide Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Flutters, Stone Mountains, Star Jump, Superman, Hand Release Merkins, Lunges, Hello Dolly

Headed back to the court benches for 3 sets of 20: Step Ups/ Freak Nasty, Sister Mary Catherin/Freak Nasty, Squats/Freak Nasty

Mary was sprinkled in all morning, but we finished up with 10 Burpees and 30 American Hanmers.

Countorama, Nameorama, and YHC prayed us out with thoughts for Warren Montgomery and his family, Hammer, and the opportunity to lead in our community and family.

Annoucements: Turkey Trot, Nightmare Before Christmas (TBD), TCLAPS Giving ends in 2 weeks – see Googlesheet in Slack and enter your information. Sign up to Q

