You don’t have to be perfect, just better than yesterday
You don’t have to be perfect, just better than yesterday

You don’t have to be perfect, just better than yesterday

PAX:Shuffles, Tua, Dirty Dell, Briefs, Screwtop, Belloq, Hawg, Jesus Juice, Rudy, Breadsticks, Rev Sox, Tool, Woz, Bongo, Chips, Tugboat, Hokie Pokey, Thumb War, Gideon

20 runners were greeted with an absolutely perfect pitch black morning at the Stomp today. The temperature hovered around 65 degrees for the entire run, and at no point did we see the sun. Thanks to Daylight Savings Time and those long Spring and Summer days, we’re treated to at least a mid-workout sunrise for most of the year. In fact, the sunrises will be back next month when Daylight Savings Time kicks in. Until then, let’s enjoy these last few chances to make our way through the dark, quiet streets of New Orleans while the city sleeps.

About 6 months ago, some of us timed ourselves in a 1-mile at the Danger Zone. Since the DZ is no more, YHC decided to bring the time trials to The Stomp. The instructions were simple…. well, I thought they were simple at least.

  • Bring an activity tracker
  • All run one warm-up mile together
  • Once your activity tracker makes 1 mile, run Mile 2 as hard as you can
  • Regardless, turn back at 20 minutes and run back to the flag.
  • Send me your mile 2 time

Even with a little confusion, this mostly went off without a hitch. The purpose of the time trial is not to see who’s fastest, but see how we’re improving. Sure, it’s fun to run around in a tank top in the early morning grabbing grass and doing a few burpees, but overall, I think we all want to get a little better, faster, stronger. To that end, I’ll post your time from today if you send it to me, and I’ll tag this post with #timetrial . Search that tag next time we do this and see how you’ve improved. Here is what I have. This is not necessarily the order in which they finished:

  1. Shuffles
  2. Tua 6:47
  3. Dirty Dell 6:37
  4. Briefs
  5. Screwtop
  6. Belloq 6:51
  7. Hawg 6:40
  8. Jesus Juice 7:02
  9. Rudy
  10. Kuch 7:06
  11. Breadsticks 6:32
  12. Rev Sox 7:51
  13. Tool 8:49
  14. Woz
  15. Bongo
  16. Chips
  17. Tugboat
  18. Hokie Pokey 10:30
  19. Thumb War 8:13
  20. Gideon

Few rounds of Mary led by different PAX, and then 5 burpees for each pax member who did not stick with the group early on. The usual formalities and a prayer for peace and stillness in our lives. Thanks for having me. – Kuch