2 year anniversary of the A1C – from Jose10k
2 year anniversary of the A1C – from Jose10k

2 year anniversary of the A1C – from Jose10k

PAX:Akbar, BBQ, Einstein, Fletch, Jose10k, Mobydick, Russo, Shooter, Steve, Tanked Up, Zoolander, Junior Varsity, Turbo Dog

Nice humid morning, YHC arrived extra early to apply the finishing touches to the 2nd anniversary beatdown of the A1C. I love when the lights of the parking garage turn on at 5:00, it helps turn on my switch to get ready for the beatdown. An unusual truck appeared first, it took awhile to determine who it was…JV showed up for his first A1C. The numbers showed up, and I was very humbled by the support of my brothers.
Warm-up: ssh, grass grabbers, self love, torso twists, imperial walkers all ic. Then the cupid shuffle: everyone in plank position, the music starts, shoulder taps until the chorus, right steps, left steps, butt kicks, mountain climbers, then back to shoulder taps.
The thang: Mosey to the side of the parking garage for some dora. Partner one runs a loops while partner two performs the exercise, then switch up. 100 lunges (2 is 1), 200 squats, 300 merkins. After that fun, mosey back up to the top, where we broke up into 3 groups of 4 for some burpee ball. Every time you hit the ball in the air, you drop and do a burpee. The beach ball is allowed to touch the ground only one time. Penalty exercise is 25 squats. Went all the way to 6, then COT. Welcome back Einstein. Shooter prayed us out, BBQ busted out the celebratory brownies, and we huddle up for a quick picture.
This was the 106th A1C, and I appreciate all those the help create this AO. The ones who helped me create it, the ones who showed up each week to keep it going, the Mandevillians who came out to support this Covington AO, and my brothers who are always there no matter what is going on. When people ask my about F3, I always tell them that the F2 is the most important aspect of F3. The exercises is just the lagniappe. Thank you for letting me lead today, thank you for giving me the courage to step out of my comfort zone, two years ago, to create this AO. Thank you to Moby, BBQ, and Einstein (my Covington Crew) for making it out each week. Thank you my brothers!! SYITG