Rock City meets Margarita on the Rucks – from Triple Shift
Rock City meets Margarita on the Rucks – from Triple Shift

Rock City meets Margarita on the Rucks – from Triple Shift

QIC:Triple Shift
PAX:Hand Grenada, Boo Boo, Fast Tax, Shorty, Rudy, Bogey, Cataract, War Eagle, Triple Shift, Vagabond, Rugarou

As 10 HIMs are preparing for the GrowRuck Alamo on April 9-11th, we had to put some work in with weights. As expected, the football field was wet with dew and the weather was unseasonably warm at 5:30 am. Here is the link to the explainer video!

Those men at F3 Alamo are killing it with their high quality explainer videos and exercises! In short, it was a suck fest performing rock rows, rockees (burpee with rock), flutter kicks, brickyard man makers, squats and then out 50 yards and back and rinse and repeat for 45 minutes. We had to modify it since your QIC was the only one with a ruck. Anyway, truly humbled by the men that yielded themselves to my leadership this morning. Ended in a prayer of gratitude and request to be growing in our leadership.