Grundy Shrugged – from TurboTax
Grundy Shrugged – from TurboTax

Grundy Shrugged – from TurboTax

It took a good thirty minutes, but Grundy eventually shrugged…or groaned…or exhaled loudly. Sources later confirmed that Grundy experienced a little fatigue at this point in the beatdown. It made YHC feel good. Honestly.

At any rate, 11 PAX posted in the Gloom this morning. We warmed up with burpees, mountain climbers, SSHs, imperial walkers, and hillbillies and then made our way to the back of the Justice Center.

We dispersed among the back benches for 3 sets of 10 Bulgarian split squats each leg and 10 derkins, all IC.

Crab walk to the smoker’s lounge then a long lunge Indian walk/run to the front of the Justice Center.

Circled up for 3 sets of 10 T merkins, 10 Nolan Ryans each side and 10 hollow hold flutter kicks, all IC.

Deployed to the front benches for 3 sets of 10 lateral step ups each leg and 10 good mornings, all IC.

Lunge Indian walk/skip back the way we came where we hit 3 quick rounds up and around the Justice Center stairs and ramp.

Closed the deal with 3 sets of 10 shoulder taps and 10 Peter Parkers, all IC.

Countorama, nameorama and a nice positive prayer from who else but Grundy.

Thanks for letting me lead guys.

Great to have Cowbell back from his marathon, Maverick back from his injury, and Bubba back from his hiatus for his 3rd Gipper post in a row.