#F3Counts – from Hawgcycle
#F3Counts – from Hawgcycle

#F3Counts – from Hawgcycle

PAX:Belloq, Fast Tax, Hand Grenada, Hawgcycle, Heisenberg, Hokie, Mahatma, Triple Shift, Vagabond, War Eagle, Glitter Balls, Pool Boy

Conditions: Perfect – Clear and 65 degrees. 83% humidity. Wind from the ENE at 4 m/h

Pax: Belloq, Fastest of Taxes, Glitter Balls, HG, Heisenberg, Hokie, Mahatma, Pool Boy (FNG), Tiny Dancer, Triple Shift, Vagabond, War Eagle, YHC

• SSH x 30; Imperial Walkers x 20; Don Quixote x 10; Low Slow Squats x 15; Merkins x 10; Peter Parker x 15; Parker Peter x 15
• Bat Wings: Forward Arm Circles x 20; Reverse Arm Circles x -2; Seal Claps x 20; Overhead Claps x 20, Moroccan Night Clubs x 20

The Thang

Animals on Parade (20 Yards Each) – Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Leap Frog with Partner, Inchworm, Kong

Mosey to the Rock Pile and select a rock.

Counting Exercises
• 2 count Rock Merkins x 15
• 4 count Squats x 10
• 6 count Catalina Wine Mixers with feet on rock x 10
• 8 count rock builders x 10
• 10 count Squat-Curl-Press-Curl-Squat x 10
• 12 count Around the World Lunges x 10

Mosey back toward the flag for Rock Toss – Partner up and chunk the biggest rock you have back and forth over the fence to one another. About 5 minutes.

Return rocks to the Rock Pile and do 20 reps of Crunchy Frog

Horses to stable back to the flag

• Welcome to our FNG Pool Boy Eh’d by Glitter Balls.
• It was great to see Vagabond back out there. True to his name he kind of wandered around the playground.
• I left the SSHs one short this morning. Off my game.
• I knew Bat Wings was a #CrowdPleaser, but I didn’t realize how much. Mahatma made his disdain known just in case anyone was wondering. I had planned to go even further, but I was satisfied once Triple and War Eagle started jawing at each other about perseverance and form.
• Fracsac and Bolt weren’t in attendance, so I felt fine calling Moroccan Night Clubs. Dancing was highly discouraged, although Tiny Dancer flashed a little preview of what he is capable of. Frac is not in the same league, but who is?
• There was discussion as to whether crabs and inchworms are animals. The answer is yes. An animal is any living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli. Basically, if you can pronounce it and it ain’t a plant or toe fungus, it’s an animal.
• My 12 year old daughter has been mopping the floor with me at Equations – a math game she plays at school that involves a bunch of dice, numbers, operations, solutions, etc. I need to practice my counting skills. Hence the different cadences. IN
• The Rock Toss was an oldie but a goodie. I’m pretty sure I am going to be feeling it over the next couple of days. No one ended up with dog feces on their face today. That’s always a win.
• At one time I had the password to the F3 NOLA Twitter Account. Unfortunately I am now locked out, because there are some movie trailers I would like to post. Back when I had access it was common for different regions to tweet out the number of pax that posted that day and hashtag it with #F3Counts. It was a pun. I probably don’t need to explain it. A lot of people didn’t realize it was used to post actual counts. So you would often see it used when someone would post something meaningful about F3. They may have missed the pun, but they understood the important part. F3 has value. It is significant. It counts. That fact was on full display today. We had a new guy post. He was invited by a man that has been posting for two months and already realizes that everyone needs this. We had a few guys too injured to do the full bootcamp. They showed up and did what they could because they realize how important it is. We had a recent kotter that realizes he needs it again and is committed to returning. He held up his commitment this morning by starting the second week of his return. I had friends there today that I have been sharing the morning with for 5, 6, even 7 years. Where else do we get that? The physical fitness is significant. More significant are the friendships. And even more significant is the spiritual growth and the opportunity to be a part of something. Sometimes we have trouble keeping up, sometimes we have to modify, and sometimes we get off cadence. But it’s good to know we can rely on F3 to be there when we need it. Let’s do our part to make sure F3 always Counts.