Total Meltdown with the Fire Fighter Challenge Tabata – from Bushwacker
Total Meltdown with the Fire Fighter Challenge Tabata – from Bushwacker

Total Meltdown with the Fire Fighter Challenge Tabata – from Bushwacker

PAX:Parrot, Dangerfield, Junior Varsity

Following a long rehabilitation after shoulder surgery, during which YHC did ABSOLUTELY nothing overly strenuous that Chewy would frown upon, it’s back to the fire department. And, of course, that means then Lakefront is due for another Fire Fighter Challenge… this time Tabata style! Our own friendly neighborhood Steve graciously offered to stalk me at 5:45am and help set up an array of treacherous exercises for the general populous of F3 Northshore.


Ok, let me be honest, as I sit here typing this drivel of a backblast, I’m having (not for the 1st time) memory issues. Everything came in sets of 10 and in cadence. There were several things with knees and feet and hands, ya know the usual. We really just needed to get loose enough to reduce risk of injury while dying in the heat and humidity.


The PAX mosied to the shaft where a variety of tires, weights, a giant rope, and a 50ft length of fire hose awaited the assembled. A hopefully-briefer-than-expected-by-the-PAX explanation of the ordeal laid out was given and things got underway. A tabata of 40 cycles – seconds of work with 12 seconds rest in between had such familiar FF exercises such as the Tire Pull, Tire Toss, Tire Flip, and Sledge Hammer Swing, interspersed amongst which were other favorites such as the High Rise Pack Carry, Burpees, Flutter Kicks, Farmer’s Carry and more. After the completion of the Challenge, in which a valiant effort was put forth by the brave men willing to cross the thin red line to take the red pill, there were none willing to compete for the Badaxxe Award by completing the Tire Pull, Tire Flip, and Farmer’s Carry for time. QIC wasn’t certain whether the lack of interested parties was because the defending title holder Grundy was not in attendance, or like myself, everyone was almost fully spent. Either way, there seems to be some unfinished business…


After mosying back to the flags the PAX were treated to 11 full-ass minutes of mary that finaled with 100 100s OYO.


Countorama/nameorama, True Coat shared the opportunity to take part in a 30 minute men’s weekly zoom meeting involving spiritual discussions of Opus Dei and more of the most intriguing sort. Hit him up to learn more. The fair-weather Kotter Quart Pipe prayed us out and off to coffeteria we went!
Gentlemen, thank you for following me into the fire (of sorts), and allowing me to lead you all in this thing of ours, la F3 cosa nostra. And don’t forget, HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE!