Rain or Shine at the Mothership!!!
Rain or Shine at the Mothership!!!

Rain or Shine at the Mothership!!!

QIC:King Kong
PAX:Bogey, Bongo, Calliope, FracSac, Gabrielle, Green Screen, Hank, Hatchling, Jingle Vader, King Kong, Mahatma-Ice, Mambi, Medulla Oblongata, Pai Gow, Reluctant Yankee, Rudy, Smooth, Snookie, SwampCock, Triple Shift, Tubbs, Two Yutes, Walleye


23 PAX with 2 FNGs managed to meet up on a beautiful, wet, humid, warm Saturday morning on the first day of December.  At 6:30, YHC gave his standard disclaimer and off went the PAX.

(missing PAX in the photo: Bogey, King Kong, Smooth, SwampCock)


Short mosey to the Peristyle and did the following in cadence:

SSHs x 20

Windmills x 10

Forward Arm Circles x 10

Backward Arm Circles x 10

Hill Billies x 20 (with Fracsac’s witty comments as YHC was trying to explain what the heck are the Hill Billies to the FNGs)

Peter Parkers x 15

MC x 15


Partner Workout

Picked a partner and jogged across the street to the Great Lawn. Magically, bunch of cones (dividing the field in halves) were set up in the middle of the field.

Part 1 – Starting in the middle of the field, each PAX ran toward his sidewalk and back to the middle and performed 15 patty cake merkins with his partner, rinse and repeat with 10 reps, rinse and repeat with 5 reps.

Part 2 – Starting in the middle of the field, each PAX ran toward his sidewalk and back to the middle and performed 20 synchronize big boy sit ups. Rinse and repeat with 15, 10, and 5 reps.

Part 3 – Starting in the middle of the field, each PAX ran toward his sidewalk and back to the middle and performed 20 synchronize squats. Rinse and repeat with 15, 10, and 5 reps.

Part 4 – Starting in the middle of the field, each PAX ran toward his sidewalk and back to the middle and each PAX performed 5 burpees jump over. One PAX was doing the burpee jump over the other PAX, who was in the low plank position. Flap Jack. Each PAX did 4 rounds (total 20 burpees jump over each)

When finished, Mahatma-Ice gave a 20 second count, then moseyed to the fountain in front of NOMA and waited for the six.


The Thang

Starting off at the fountain in front of NOMA, each Pax had to do the following OYO:

Round 1

  • 20 box jumps
  • 20 incline merkins
  • 15 box jumps
  • 15 merkins
  • 10 box jumps
  • 10 derkins
  • 5 box jumps
  • 5 diamond merkins
  • then moseyed to the last light post and back to the fountain (about 0.5 mile)

Round 2 – rinse and repeat but shaved off the first set of 20 box jumps and 20 incline merkins, then moseyed to the 7th light post and back.

Round 3 – rinse and repeat but shaved off another set of 15 box jumps and 15 merkins, then moseyed to the 5th light post and back.

Round 4 – rinse and repeat but shaved off another set of 10 box jumps and 10 derkins (leaving with only 5 box jumps and 5 diamond merkins), then moseyed to the 3rd light post and back.

In addition to the mileage, the PAX toughed out 100 box jumps and 100 different forms of merkins.

T-claps to Mahatma-Ice for setting the tone early. Not an easy task to do 100 box jumps, all those merkins, and all those miles. Once again, everyone got stronger for coming out to a F3 workout. Respect!!!


Round of Mary

Moseyed to the grass field next to NOMA and did the following in cadence:
Hello Dolly x 20
Dying Cockroach x 20
Flutter kicks x 20
American Hammer x 15
Moseyed back to the flag with 30 seconds left. Why not 3 more burpees???  PAX finished the workout at 7:30 a.m.

Count-O-Rama 23PAX, Name-O-Rama, announcements, intentions. 2 FNGs (Hank and Hatchling).  Hank is a reference from King of the Hill. Hatchling because he is only 18. Our thoughts and prayers for I Love You Man’s niece with her recovery from brain surgery and King Kong’s 2.0 with her girls’ scout camping over the weekend. Thank You all again for the opportunity to lead. Always a pleasure and honor to workout with the PAX. SYITG

King Kong