Surprise Q by BBQ – from BBQ
Surprise Q by BBQ – from BBQ

Surprise Q by BBQ – from BBQ

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Einstein, Mobydick

Einstein volunteered me to Q on the spot. He said I was showing the most energy and somebody needed to do it. As always it is an honor to be part of F3 and lead these fine young men. Warm ups were self love, arm circles, imperial walkers, hillbillies, mountain climbers, inverted mountain climbers, scuba Steves, leg swings on your tummy ( I have no idea what the official exercise is called) and SSH. The Thang was an 11. Burpees and squats. In between 40 yards of forward lunges and backward lunges one way and 5 steps and a star jack the other way. We had time some hip stretches. The PAX had 4 prayers for those in need. YHC was Elvis RIP for Stella. Moby prayed us out.