Sweating out the King Cake at the Gipper – from Einstein
Sweating out the King Cake at the Gipper – from Einstein

Sweating out the King Cake at the Gipper – from Einstein

PAX:Akbar, BBQ, Einstein, Mobydick, Shooter, TurboTax

A humid 67 degrees for the gathered PAX, this Wednesday morning, at The Gipper

Toe Touch, SSHops, Neck Rolls, Seal Jacks, Parker Peters, Smurf Jacks, Shoulder Taps
Hi Jack Hi Jills, Arm Circles, Shoulder Slingbacks, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, High Kneees, Butt Kicks

mosey over to the front of the Justice Center

Event 1: partner up
First set of Two:partner one starts on bench step-ups, partner two runs up the promenade then around the half block – flipflop x2
Second set of Two:partner one starts on box jump and/or bench hop-overs, partner two runs up the promenade then around the half block – flipflop x2

mosey over to the parking garage upper deck

Event 2: using the parking lot stripping; bear crawl half the parking lot distance with a merkin at every other stripe, lunge walk remainder of deck, back peddle to starting point. Core at the four corners including: left elbow to right knee – right elboew to left knee, flutter kicks, plank kick-outs, rosalitas

mosey back to The Gipper Trailhead

Count-o-rama, Shooter leads us out with a prayer.

Thanks guys. Always fun to lead