Variety Pack at The Gipper – from Einstein
Variety Pack at The Gipper – from Einstein

Variety Pack at The Gipper – from Einstein

PAX:Barely Legal, Dinghy, Einstein, Fletch, Jose10k, Mobydick, DarkWingDuck

Summertime at The Gipper, with typical heat and high humidity.
Humidity should be added to the Exicon as a stand-alone exercise – as it sure is draining.
And welcome guest pax Dinghy – from the Hillsborough, NC location.

Long Warmup:
Toe Touch, SSHops, Swimmers, Neck Rolls, Hi Jack Hi Jills, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Shoulder Slingbacks, Butt Kicks, Smurf Jacks, etc.

Mosey to the Taj Mahal parking lot for leg swings, font to back, left to right. Then using the stripes for a ladder template do a set of stops and starts forward, reverse, left shuffle, right shuffle. Then trott to the front of the Taj for ring-of-fire: each pax bear crawls into the flag pole and crab crawls back – whilst the rest of the pax holds plank waiting for their turn to crawl in/out.
Then to the nearby grassy knoll for 10 OYO sprawls(kind-of-a burpee without the push-up).

Mosey down the street to the Justice Center Parking Garage, at the garage entrance; backward lunge haf way then sprint, repeating up the ramp concourse.
once on top; some core work, bear crawling, and sprints.

Mosey to the front of the court house for some freak-nasties and rocky balboas.

Mosey back to the flag for a minute of V-ups

Circle-up, Count-o-rama, Dinghy leads us out with prayer; lifting up those recovering from injuries, the elderly, and families dealing with difficult challenges. And for “meet-less” BBQ, who has lost his alarm clock.