Rockin’ Mosey – from Akbar
Rockin’ Mosey – from Akbar

Rockin’ Mosey – from Akbar

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Bean, Cowbell, Fletch, Maverick, Mobydick, TurboTax

9 strong at the Gipper today for a Copperhead style partner beatdown. Great to see the number back up! YHC arrived at 0600 on the dot to get started. Great to have Bean aka Batman back in the mix.

Warmorama – SSH, arm circles, high knees and some other stuff and we headed to the rock garden.

Partner exercises where P1 does exercise and P2 does a mosey to the Smokehouse and moseys back. 3 sets of each Copperhead style for the rocks.

Set 1 x 3
P1 45 degree shoulder press
P2 Bear crawl

Set 2 x 3
P1 Curls
P2 Flying Nun – lunge walk with arm circles

Set 3 x 3
P1 Triceps
P2 Hallelujah High Knees – if we only had a camera

Set 4×3
P1 Merkins straight up
P2 Rock carry

Copperhead Squats x 10

Gnarly Nutria next Wednesday across the lake
Russo’s 5k trail run after the beatdown Saturday at 0900. There is still a spot left if anyone wants it.
Goose’s St Vincent 500 2 man race beatdown August 13th
Hammer is starting a Bible study in August at crisis pregnancy center

YHC was just in time for 6:00 due to oversleeping. Maverick was on Cowbell time and caught up with us at the Justice Center. QIC was asked what size rock to pick, and the answer was whatever you want. Which should have been a small one.

Great to have Bean (aka Batman) back, and great stories about the bats and the cost of a Rabies shot. Mumblechatter was all over the place and included Grover, a nude bar, bats, Turbos beatdown last week, and the Cake walk.

Thanks for following my lead – Akbar.