Duck Hunting 101
Duck Hunting 101

Duck Hunting 101

PAX:Akbar, Amnesia, Barely Legal, Bean, Cowbell (QIC), Einstein, Goose, Grover, Grundy, Jose 10k, Moby Dick, Shooter, Smokey, Steve, Turbo Tax

YHC has always joked that he does F3 to he can be in shape for duck season, among MANY other reasons. Duck hunting on public land in the Mississippi Delta is a very physically demanding hobby and for some strange reason I absolutely love it. Waking up at 2am to wade through waste deep water in 20 degrees just sounds fun, right??

Well, YHC wanted the Gipper pax to learn a thing or two about the prep that goes into a morning of duck hunting, sans water and 20 degrees.

Disclaimer was given and PAX was instructed to grab some gear from the camp (cinder block). Each block was to account for all of the gear needed on a hunt.

COP #1- Warm Up:

10 Burpees OYO

20 X SSH

10 X Good Mornings

10 F/B X Arm Circles

20 X J Lo’s

10 L/R X Nolan Ryan’s (on crushed gravel!)

Now we need to load up the truck: 10 L/R X Elf on a Shelf with block

Mosey to the courthouse walkway (boat launch) at a brisk pace as we need to beat all other hunting parties to the duck hole!

Load the boat: split into 2 lines with blocks at the end of each line. Pass block down to the end of the line, and back down. R&R X3.

The boat is launched, now we need to drive as far as we can in the timber…quick mosey to the parking garage entrance and ramp. Leave your gear while we go search for a good spot to set up: Run up the ramp and complete 10 burpees on one side and 10 merks on the other side all the way to the top. Repeat.

We found a prime duck hole at the top of the garage!! grab your gear and meet there.

Now its time to throw out the decoys, we brought 3 dozen this trip..

Block swings X 12, R&R X3.

Now its time to actually hunt, so we need to practice raising the gun to our shoulder: Chest press X 10, R&R X3.

We shot a few ducks but ran out of time to pick them up!

Carry your gear back to the camp.

Count, Name, and Grundy took us out with a prayer.

Thank you all for hunting with me and appeasing me!
