Pairs of 3 – from Hand Grenada
Pairs of 3 – from Hand Grenada

Pairs of 3 – from Hand Grenada

QIC:Hand Grenada
PAX:Bogey, Door Dash, Hand Grenada, Hokie, Kenna Brah, Mayhem, Pool Boy, Rougarou, Rudy, Scantron, Triple Shift, Wedding Planner, Willie

5:30a, per Rudy, intro, disclaimer and off to the rock pile for warm up
Grassgrabber IC X10
Abe Vagodas IC X10
Squat Twist IC X5
Kim Jung Uns IC X10
Arm Circles Front IC X10
On your face
Peterparker IC X10
Arm Circles Reverse IC X10
Back on face
Shoulder Taps IC X10
Morocan Night Clubs IC X10

Grab a rock and off to the gym.
Break into pairs(in hindsight I screwed this up and shouldve broken into pairs of 3)
Dora with 100 chest press, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s, PAX1 does exercise while PAX2 traverses the obstacle course with assisted deep lunge up ramp, run around to back of building for crab walk on the wall, then around other side of gym to relieve PAX1.

20 count from Rudy

Mosey to parking lot
All PAX in straight line from tree 1, standing curls IC X10, walk in line to next tree, Shoulder Press IC X20, walk in line to next tree, Rows IC X20, walk to next tree, Shoulder Press IC X20, walk to next tree, Standing Curls IC X10.

Mosey back to rock pile, ensure that Bogey has dropped the sandbag, then horses to barn, COT, count off, name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, prayer

Always a pleasure to lead, men. Thanks for pushing me!!