Run, Tabata, Run – from Fletch
Run, Tabata, Run – from Fletch

Run, Tabata, Run – from Fletch

PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, Einstein, Fletch, Mobydick, Shooter, Steve, Backdraft, Bubba

Yhc arrived at the Gipper where there was already a group of PAX waiting. As we were ready to start, a couple more showed up just in time.
Warmup: Arm circles, Self love, Good mornings, Windmills, Seal jacks, Imperial walkers, Cherry pickers followed by 20 Merkins, 20 Big boy sit-ups and 20 Squats.
Thang: Started with a mosey around the train depot followed by Tabatas, 20 sec on 10 sec off 8 cycles.
Tabata plank position holds.
Run, mosey around train depot
Tabata, Al Gores
Run,train depot
Tabata, crab cakes, crab humper, crab jacks, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, superman, scuba steve
Run, burpee dans, 1 burpee, 4 lunge’s, to end of train depot, and mosey back.
Finishing with 20 merkins, 20 big boy’s and 20 squats.
Thanks for letting me lead. Much respect for these men.