Running Games? I Thought You Said Fun ‘n’ Games!
Running Games? I Thought You Said Fun ‘n’ Games!

Running Games? I Thought You Said Fun ‘n’ Games!

QIC:Turbo Tax
PAX:Akbar, Bean, Black Cat (FNG), Bubba, Bushwacker, Buttpaste, Cowbell, Freon, Garfield, The Hammer, Jose 10K, Mathlete, Maverick, Mick, Moby Dick, Phoenix, Russo, Shooter, Speedy Gonzalez, Stock Boy, Sparky, Tanked Up, Toto, Turbo Tax(QIC), Zoolander(coffeteria cameo)

The mumble chatter started the previous night at the successful meet n greet campaign party for our very own Hammer about the fact that if Turbo had the Q for Saturday, then it was either fun n games or, more likely, plenty of running, much to the consternation of more than one PAX both present and away. While, in a sense, fun n games were in fact afoot, today was a run day!


x20 IC:

Seal Jacks

Imperial Walkers

Toe Touches


Mosied westward down the lakefront for a stretch before we stopped for some merkins. Continued up Marigny and stopped for some Mountain Climbers. Finished up at the Marsh where we partnered up for a little competiton.

4 4 minute rounds with a running total per team:

Round 1- P1 SSH while P2 runs to opposite side of the court and performs 2 Burpees

Round 2- P1Butt Kicks, P2 2 180 degree hops

Round 3- P1 Lateral Hops, P2 2 Tuck (Squat) Jumps

Round 4- P1 imaginary Jump Rope, P2 2 Bobby Hurleys

In between each round was 30 seconds rest, 1 minute of Plank, and 30 more seconds of rest. Teams that scored under 82 total points (all?) dropped for 10 penalty burpees.

Next, the Pax split evenly and competed head-to-head in a relay race from one end of the court to the other. The Odd numbered team performed another set of 10 penalty burpees. YHC must note that never has he seen such an intense show of drive and performance from every man at the same time as was displyed during this race!

Same teams did a double-line Indian Run back to the Lakefront, where the PAX planked for the 6, followed by a slow mosy before an all out sprint to the flag.



Naming of FNG Black Cat. Welcome brother, better late than never!

Phoenix prayed us out.

T Claps to Turbo Tax for a well put together, high intensity beat down. It’s always a privilege to follow a great leader. Who says running can’t be fun!