Maverick++ and 99 Burpees – from Rudy
Maverick++ and 99 Burpees – from Rudy

Maverick++ and 99 Burpees – from Rudy

PAX:Bogey, Cheese Steak, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Kenna Brah, MacGyver, Mahatma, Rudy, SOGO, Vagabond, Igor, Spaulding

Brisk Mothership morning. 12 PAX in the cool gloom came out to better themselves. YHC wanted to reward them – and what better way than with burpees.

Mosey over to the Peristyle for a quick warm up of some stretching and SSH/IW.

Thing 1: YHC went way back in the backblast archives looking for something new, and found what Reluctant Yankee termed “The Maverick” from July 2015. But – YHC wanted to one-up them. The Maverick was 11s. What one-ups 11s? A larger number. So in honor of the 220th anniversary of Louis XVI’s beheading – we went for 16s.

16 Squat Jumps to start, in the Peristyle. Run to the benches, stopping for 1 Hand Release Merkin on the way. Then 1 Dip. Return for 15/2/2. 14/3/3. You get the idea. That was a gasser… Way to go, SOGO and Mahatma (the early finishers) as they pushed the rest of us through to completion. Spaulding’s form was, as always, impeccable.

YHC was accused of running away, merely because he had to return to his car to get…. The Deck o’ Death. Mosey to the center of the newly-resurrected Great Lawn.

Thing 2: Hearts = Burpees, Diamonds = Squats, Clubs = Sit Ups, Spades = More Hand Release Merkins (Kennah Brah started griping about that early). Meanwhile, because Macgyver refused to pay attention, he drew a 5 burpee penalty while the rest of the PAX waited. Then the cards began. Out of the gate, Squats took the early lead. But then Hearts started showing. Again. And again. Forever it seemed.

20 mins later, 26 cards down, YHC called it – so we could get to the last thing. 12 of 26 cards were BurpeeHearts. Frac reported that we did a total of 91 burpees.

Thing 3: A few rounds of Tyson, with Core exercises. Sprint half-way on the lawn, 10 reps. Sprint to the end, 10 reps, Sprint halfway back, 10 reps, Sprint to the end, 10 reps. Start with V-Ups. YHC instructed PAX who finished first to keep going until the 6 finished 10 reps. Several of the PAX revolted – leading to a 5 Burpee penalty (96 burpees, YHC thought to himself).

Then we did rounds of Freddy Mercury, Wife Pleasers, and Hello Dolly. Heisenberg and Frac TRIED to get additional penalty burpees to hit 100. But YHC would not bite.

7:29 – time to head back to the flag. BUT WAIT: 3 more burpees, just because. 99 burpees total.

COT: Close up with a count-off and name-o-rama. Lots of stuff going on, especially running – Run Cajun Run, Krazy Ivan and City Pork. Several intentions – new life (congrats Disclaimer!) and sad passings. Prayers go with those heading to the next stage of life, and for comfort for those they have left (temporarily).

And prayers for Spaulding’s friend suffering from Shingles. PSA: The shingles vaccine. If you haven’t (looks askance at himself), please get it. It is painful and 100% unnecessary to suffer through. That is all.